Quartzsite is located 45 minutes from the Colorado River and 1 hour from Yuma Arizona. Its the only stop from Blythe, California to Phoenix, Arizona which is about a 2 1/2 hour drive. People come from all over the world to Parker, Lake Havasu, and Yuma Arizona.
Hi Jolly Monument
Located on 100 E. Main Street
- Pays tribute to camel driver Hadji Ali
- Enlisted in an unsuccessful attempt by the US Army to use camels in the American Southwest
- After the failed attempt Ali was the only driver to remain in Arizona
- Alli became known by locals as "Hi Jolly"
Grinding Holes And Petroglyphs
Located in the East side of Tyson Wash
- Indian Grinding Holes
- Pre-Columbian Petroglyphs
Palm Canyon
Located on Milepost 85 on US Highway 95
- Only place in Arizona where native palm trees, California Fan Palms, can be found
- Palms are a short walk from the parking area
Quartzsite Rock Alignment & Intaglios
Located north of Quartzsite
- Training ground for General Patton's troops during World War II
- Rocks laid out in the desert best seen from the air
- Rocks spelling out QUARTZSITE and forming an arrow pointing the way
- Outline of the fisherman Intaglio drawn on the desert floor by ancient Indians